Friday 28 October 2011


In spite of, or because of, Red Hot Rocker Reg's warning about the 2 miles of ditch for every 1 mile of road, our trusty Avalon made it all the way home, intact, bearing The Author, me and ten cartons of books. The Kid flew home from Winnipeg with Marg the morning after the Bombers' game.

For those of you who might still be wondering about The Author's Condition following his collision with a sidewalk in downtown Hamilton, I am pleased to report that the swelling in his right leg is greatly diminished as are his technicolor bruises. Meanwhile, his general mobility is gradually returning to normal.

REGRETS?  I suppose that we have only a few: missing our venue at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto; not getting to see Niagara Falls (because of that other sort of fall referred to above) and not getting to visit with Janice and Joe Horwood in Scarborough. Perhaps we will get to make amends when the Tour hits Toronto?

So, it looks like the Kid Dynamite Tour (Part 1) is now history. While the Tour is over, we trust that the book will live long and prosper. For those of you who would like to stay apprised of continuing news on this front you could send an email to  and I will keep you posted.

In any event,  you might want to watch for the launch of a couple of new web sites which will be up and running by Christmas (Santa and his elves being willing):   and

Heigh Ho Silver Toyota, Away!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on a successful tour (round 1). Enjoy being home!
