Friday 28 October 2011


In spite of, or because of, Red Hot Rocker Reg's warning about the 2 miles of ditch for every 1 mile of road, our trusty Avalon made it all the way home, intact, bearing The Author, me and ten cartons of books. The Kid flew home from Winnipeg with Marg the morning after the Bombers' game.

For those of you who might still be wondering about The Author's Condition following his collision with a sidewalk in downtown Hamilton, I am pleased to report that the swelling in his right leg is greatly diminished as are his technicolor bruises. Meanwhile, his general mobility is gradually returning to normal.

REGRETS?  I suppose that we have only a few: missing our venue at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto; not getting to see Niagara Falls (because of that other sort of fall referred to above) and not getting to visit with Janice and Joe Horwood in Scarborough. Perhaps we will get to make amends when the Tour hits Toronto?

So, it looks like the Kid Dynamite Tour (Part 1) is now history. While the Tour is over, we trust that the book will live long and prosper. For those of you who would like to stay apprised of continuing news on this front you could send an email to  and I will keep you posted.

In any event,  you might want to watch for the launch of a couple of new web sites which will be up and running by Christmas (Santa and his elves being willing):   and

Heigh Ho Silver Toyota, Away!


Our book tour lasted 33 days. We began our trip on September 20, leaving from Nanoose Bay on Vancouver Island and driving as far as Hamilton, Ontario and back again for the official culmination of the Tour on Saturday, October 22 when Gerry was the Honourary Captain of the Blue Bombers in Winnipeg on his 77th birthday. On the journey we were invariably met by friendly, helpful people. (Please forgive us in advance for any errors or omissions.) We would especially like to thank:

Sheila Kelly and volunteers Lorrie and Barr, at the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame
Mark De Nobile, Rob Morralle and Meghan Sturgeon Archer at the Canadian Football Hall of Fame
Brian Brownlee at the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame

the Yorkton Terriers, in particular Trent Cassan and the club executive.
the Melville Millionaires, especially Dawn Melnychuk
the Estevan Bruins, with much thanks to Jeff and Brad Pierson
the Hamilton Bulldogs, especially Brian Lewis
the Hamilton Ti-Cats, with gratitude to Jim Edmands and Scott Mitchell
the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, especially Jeffry Bannon

In addition we would like to thank the following Reviewers, Journalists and Broadcasters for embracing Kid Dynamite:

Rob Vanstone, Leader-Post and Star-Phoenix
Darrell Davis, free lancer
Randy Atkinson, GX 94 radio in Yorkton
Rod Pederson and Schultzie, Regina sports radio
David Wilberg, Estevan Lifestyles
Rob Carnie, CHAB radio in Moose Jaw
Steve Milton, The Hamilton Spectator
Jim Bender, The Winnipeg Sun and the Toronto Sun
Bob Irving, Winnipeg sports radio
Gordon Sinclair Jr., Winnipeg Free Press
Cleve Dheenshaw, Victoria Times-Colonist
TSN Radio and TV

Alicia Walker and John Toews at McNally Robinson Bookstores in Saskatoon and Winnipeg and Larry & Lynda Robertson in Hamilton for all manner of assistance. Linus Westberg provided us with all sorts of names and promotional ideas.

For much needed food, lodging & general moral support along the trek, we thank:

Tom Arling, Best Western, Swift Current; Gilles Landry, Best Western Pembina and Mainstay Suites, Winnipeg; and Jeff Pierson, Days Inn, Estevan

Bill Usher, K.C. & Marnie James, Debbie Robichaud, Faye Redfearne, Lenny & Lisa Meuller, Joyce & Kal Parenteau, Ambrose & Mavis Reschny, Judy Danbert, Marilyn & Lorne Christianson, Garry Bolton and Tara Barrett.

And, last but not least, we would like to thank oolichan books. All of the people and many others, especially those who have been so generous with their comments about the book, have made the story of Kid Dynamite a best-selling success. Yes, once again this week the Kid registered on the best seller lists. Now we hope to see the Kid triumph in Toronto and in Maple Leaf blue. Thanks everyone for following the blog.

Saturday 22 October 2011


It was a happening place this afternoon here in Winnipeg, in Blue Bomber Land. Gerry James, former Blue Bomber great, was the honourary Captain for the Bombers, and along with Jim Rondeau, the Minister Responsible for Healthy Living, oversaw the coin toss at centre field before the game. The Bombers won the toss and elected to have the wind with them in the 2nd and 4th periods, a decision which ultimately proved fortuitous. It was also Breast Cancer Day in the CFL and most of the players were decked out with pink shoe laces or pink foot wrappings. And, to add to the mayhem in the sold-out stadium, Justin Beeber and entourage decided to show up and put in a last minute demand for a box, all of which added a little extra chaos for those folks entrusted with security.

Those of you watching in TV land probably missed the announcement that it was Gerry's birthday today. Yes, that's right. The Kid is 77 today. Happy Birthday, Gerry.

Thanks to the generosity of the Blue Bombers the Tour members (now four of us given the addition of Marg James who flew into town for the celebrations via plane and NOT broomstick) were all handsomely decked out in official Blue Bomber jerseys. Those of you who continued to watch the game after the coin toss would have noticed Gerry in his jersey during his sideline TSN interview early in the third quarter.

The score at the end of the 3rd quarter looked bleak for the Bombers. It was 25 - 10 for the Alouettes, but the home team capitalized on their field position and the favourable wind in the fourth quarter to eek out a 26 -25 Victory in the last minutes of the game.

The rain, forecast to commence at game time, held off till the last few seconds and we are now in the midst of a spectacular prairie storm. Peachy pink sky. Wind, Thunder, Lightning. Looks like The Kid DynamiteTour is going out with a bang.

Thanks for coming along for the ride.

ps, you might want to tune in for a few final vignettes and tour summary which I hope to post on our return home.

Friday 21 October 2011


According to the Saskatchewan Phoenix-Star published on October 8, Kid Dynamite, The Gerry James Story is #2 on the list of Top Ten selling books. In Winnipeg the book is #3 on the Non-Fiction List.  So, the news is getting out. We've got ourselves a winner! Today The Kid and The Author will be signing books at the Blue Bomber store from 5 - 7 along with Ken Ploen, the quarterback of the Bombers during their glory years. Keep your fingers crossed for a big turn out.


Here's the link to the latest review in the Winnipeg Sun:

and Republished in the Toronto Sun:

and while we are at it, his Canadian Football Hall of Fame Page:
Gerry with the Book 
(Photo: Jim Bender/Winnipeg Sun)

Wednesday 19 October 2011


The Kid was very much at home last night at the book signing at Robinson McNally in Winnipeg. People were lined up to see him: Former Bombers Nick Miller and Rager Hamelin and Trainer, Gordie Mackie amongst a host of other old friends, some from his days at Kelvin High.

Today The Kid and The Author are doing 2 radio interviews, one with Rod Carney, the voice of the Moose Jaw Warriors of the WHL, and one with Cleve Dheenshaw of the Victoria Times Colonist.  At lunch they did a photo shoot with Jim Bender of the Winnipeg Sun.

But, sad to say, it now looks like rain for the game on Saturday.

Tuesday 18 October 2011


I am beginning to realize that getting the snow tires put on the car, packing extra water, a sleeping bag AND a candle and matches was not the height of folly. Forearmed is forewarned and we have had our first taste of frost. However, the weather for the game on Saturday afternoon promises to be ideal for football.

Sitting in the lobby of the Mainstay Suites at the computer station I overhear an American lady from the south exclaim that there has been 20 cm of snow in Gillam, Manitoba.

American Lady: I have no idea in hell what a centimeter is.

Young Lady at the desk: It's not a lot. If you dress warmly you should be OK.

As it turns out the American Lady is about to fly to Churchill and then head on to Gillam to see whales, birds, polar bears and Arctic wildflowers. (At this time of year!? I think.) Apparently, it is even possible for the intrepid tourist to go snorkling with the bears! Our Southern friend (who hails for Oklahoma, I did the  research ) checked out this tidbit of information three times for herself. There are, after all, limits to a person's credulity.

Okay, so maybe I will wear my leotards under my slacks, my tee shirt under my turtle neck, and put on my sheepskin jacket, woolen hat, scarf and mittens for the game. You never know when a snow storm might blow in. After all, I did spend the first 10 years of my life in Edmonton, Viking, Tofield and Wetaskiwin and there are some survival skills that stay imprinted.

Tonight, The Author and The Kid are signing books at McNally Robinson.  Today a reporter from The Sun is coming to interview The Kid.

Friday 14 October 2011


The Kid's appearance at the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame tonight marks the official launch and release of his biography, KID DYNAMITE The Gerry James Story. This culmination of the tour in a week-long celebration ends when Gerry joins the opening-game ceremonies between the Bombers and Alouettes on October 22, the Kid's 77th birthday!

Here, in Winnipeg, the Kid returns to his roots, where he grew up playing in community sponsored baseball, football and hockey programs; where he attended Kelvin High School; and where he signed his first pro contract with the Bombers at the age of 17. Winnipeg is where Gerry's unique talents were nurtured and honed. And, it was as a Blue Bomber that he recorded his greatest achievements.

The Tour would once again like to thank ardent Blue Bomber fan, Gilles Landry, owner of the Best Western Pembina Inn & Suites and the Mainstay Suites near the airport, for his generous support.

Thursday 13 October 2011


Friday, October 14

     Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame
     145 Pacific Avenue  (near Portage & Main)
     5 - 7 pm
     Come and meet our inductee, Gerry James, Kid Dynamite
     Books will be available for purchase and signing.

Tuesday, October 18

     Book signing at McNally Robinson.
     Legendary athlete Gerry James will be on hand throughout the evening to chat, answer
     questions, and sign copies of KID DYNAMITE The Gerry James Story.

Friday, October 21

     The Blue Bombers will be hosting Gerry James and Ken Ploen. (Details to follow.)
     This event will be Open to the Public.

Saturday, October 22

      2pm  Winnipeg Blue Bombers vs the Montreal Alouettes
      Gerry will be the Blue Bombers Honourary Captain and will join the coin toss at the start of the game.


Wednesday 12 October 2011

Canadian Crawlers, Rumble Bumps and other Americana

After 22 days on the road you just knew it had to happen. And no, I do not mean that the snippets of friendly banter between The Author and The Kid finally degenerated into honest to God sniping. No, I mean that after 22 days of continual sunshine and temperatures in the mid to high 20's we finally ran into rain. Yes, grey skies and rain caught up with the Tour as we left Munising in Upper Michingan.

The day began early.

The Author: Ah, I see you're finally awake. I've been up since 2am.

Me:   It's four in the morning!

The Author: I've had bad feelings about this Motel ever since we drove in. Why did the clerk put us on  the
         far side of the building? Out of sight of everyone? And who was that weirdo that was running a skidoo
         up and down the lawn when we drove in? Why are there no locks on the main door? Why is there
         no one else staying here? Why doesn't anything work properly?

Me:   Wayne, at the desk, said it was probably the maintenance man on the skidoo.

The Author: Precisely. I'm glad you're awake. I need to check the car and make certain everything is safe.

Me:   You stay here. You can't even walk properly.

The Author: No you stay here.

Minutes later, I find myself half dressed and peering into the dimly lit hall. At last The Author
         hobbles back in view.

The Author: Everything is fine. And there are four other cars in the parking lot. I feel much better now.

By this time I am totally wide awake. As I lay back on my bed in the dark with the vibration from The Author's snores shaking the room, the images I have dredged up from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Psycho refuse to disappearCould congenial Wayne possibly be related to Norman Bates? Are we really safe?

At dawn, we hit the road again, and, after a long day's haul we are safely ensconced in a Super 8 Motel in Bemidji, Minnesota. It's a bustling community on a lake just outside of Chippewa country. In half an hour we are going out for dinner at a Mexican Restaurant, my favourite American kind of eatery, and I can hardly wait to taste my first Marguerita.

PS Many thanks to Iain (aka Two Eyes) for retrieving the photo of Angelo Mosca and Gerry and embedding it in the October 8 blog. And just to keep the record straight, the Larry in photo is not Larry Robertson.

Monday 10 October 2011


October 10, 2011  Tour Day 21 Thanksgiving, Port Sanilac, Michigan

The Tour has decided to kick back and take things a little easier on the road back to Winnipeg. The Author is even managing to hobble around without the aid of his new crutches. We have found sanctuary in the Last Chance Motel on the outskirts of Port Sanilac on Lake Huron. The water is calm, the only sound the casts of a local fisherman from the public dock.

We went for a late meal in the Still Water Sports Bar and Grill where hunters are welcome. We treated ourselves to a pitcher of beer and the game between the Detroit Tigers and the Texas Rangers. The downtown is adorned for Halloween with bales of straw, corn stalks, pumpkins and signs reading "Go Tigers, Go. And the neon sign in front of the Sanilac Public Library reads:

     Haunt your local library.
     Treat yourself to a good boooook.

Sunday 9 October 2011

The Tour Hits a Snag

Actually, the Author took a tumble, and is currently on crutches, so we are going to leave for Winnipeg tomorrow, and wend our way back to Winnipeg slowly. Hopefully, he will be feeling a lot better soon. I will update the Winnipeg Itinerary in a couple of days.

Happy Thanksgiving

Saturday 8 October 2011

The Kid meets Angelo Mosca

Last night, October 7, at Ivor Wynne Stadium, the Tour was the guest of Larry Robertson and the Canadian Football Research Society at the game between the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and the home team, Hamilton Tiger Cats. We were seated in the central tent in the southern end zone and treated to the game and a delicious buffet. As soon as we arrived at our table another Hall of Famer, Angelo Mosca, dropped by to see the Kid.

Angelo: "Gerry, it's so great to meet someone who's even older than me."

The Kid rolled his eyes and punched Angelo affectionately in the ribs. However, there was little time for the two to properly exchange their books, complete with thoughtful inscriptions, or to reminisce about their playing days. Angelo's fans are legion in Hamilton and he was soon beseiged by requests for photos and autographs. One of these fans, Luigiana Vella, was kind enough to send me a couple of photos of Gerry and Angelo (and Larry, Luigiana's cousin, who is a member of the CFRS). These photos are safe and sound in my gmail account waiting for me to access them at the appropriate time (which would be NOW!. However, try as I might, I currently lack the savy to publish the photos on the blog. Perhaps in a later post?) (Oct 11 EDIT- a photo should now be seen above).

As Rob Morrallee, Office Manager at the Hall says, "these men (Gerry, Angelo, et al) are the cream of the crop. They are the top .01 per cent of all of the hundreds of thousands of men who have ever played in the CFL." Sometimes, late at night, when Rob passes the central room at the Hall where the heads of all the members sit row upon row, he thinks he "can even hear them talking to each other."

In an aside to Luigiana, Angelo said about Gerry, "He's the best football player I ever played against."

Later, when Luigiana recounted the above to Gerry, he refused to believe her.

Luigiana: "It's true. He really said that!"

Later, in the second half, Luigiana asked the Kid: "Are you cold?"

The Kid: "No!"

Luigiana: "I didn't ask if you were OLD. I asked whether or not you were COLD. I would have lent you my  TiCat scarf, although being an old Blue Bomber I don't suppose you would have worn it?"

The Kid: "I'm not COLD."

Actually, it is a little difficult to believe that the Kid could have been cold. The temperatures in Hamilton continue to hover around 23 degrees C. There was no wind blowing off Lake Ontario last night. The percussion band kept rhythmically drumming, the cheer leading kids in front of us kept shaking their golden pompoms and the fans in the stands carried on drinking beer and cheering their TiCats in a losing cause.

On the drive back to the Hotel, Larry Robertson recounted some of his experiences recording the play by play descriptions of CFL games at Ivor Wynne Stadium on a manual typewriter, typing on Gestetner (sp?) forms. During an especially cold and foggy playoff game in late November, the statistical team in the open air press box were dutifully recording their accounts of the tied game when Saskatchewan (?) scored a touchdown in the dying seconds. A great cheer rose from the statisticians whereupon their chief immediately rose and gave them a lecture on the importance of their being impartial. Whereupon the statisticians all rose and threatened to quit. They had been cheering the fact that there was going to be NO OVERTIME.

This morning Gerry and Ron are at the Canadian Football Hall of Fame meeting with the Canadian Football Research Society. I took the opportunity to sleep in and update the blog. Later today we are going to be signing books in the Concourse of the Copps Coliseum at 5pm before the hockey game between the Hamilton Bulldogs and the Rochester Americans.

Before signing off, the Author asked me to send a special "hello" to Tour followers, Edwin and Mary Webb, in Wokingham, Berkshire.

a pui tardi, Pat

Friday 7 October 2011

Football Hall of Fame Photos

How about that? Here are the photos I promised.
It's simple when you know how.

Photo #1 Tom Casey; Photo #2 Tom Casey; Photo #3 Gerry; Photo #4 Gerry's Dad Eddie "Dynamite" James; Photo #5 Stained Glass Mural; Photo #6 Tom Casey; Photo #7 Statue outside the Football Hall of Fame; Photo #8 Gerry and Ron Miming statue; Photo #9 Self-explanatory.

Next lesson: How to add captions to the photos.


If you would like to read reviews of Kid Dynamite just go to  click on Kid Dynamite, scroll down to reviews and click on the ones you want.  I particularly like the review in Saskatchewan Lifestyles where James Shares Stories.

If I can figure out how to upload the photos I took at the Football Hall of Fame this morning I will do so.

Stay tuned.

Thursday 6 October 2011

The Tour Hits Hamilton Ontario!

Leaving Winnipeg with 8 cartons of books in tow, The Kid, The Author, and yours truly, headed south of the 49th to the United States. Immediately it became apparent that we were now in a foreign country: the gas was cheaper, the money was all the same colour and there were lots of Stars and Stripes flying from flag poles.

Once again we had to keep the pedal to the metal in order to arrive at our next book signing stop at the Canadian Football Hall of Fame tomorrow, October 7, between 4 & 6 pm. We arrived safely at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Hamilton, just in front of the bus bearing the Blue Bombers who will be playing the Hamilton Ti-Cats tomorrow night. (We are going to the game.) I resisted the temptation to introduce the team to one of their former greats. I did not even shout out, "Go Bombers, Go." Perhaps that was because I was still somewhat in shock from TERRIFYING TOUR MOMENT #1: The Kid at the wheel of the Avalon negotiating the #2 Highway detour signs over bridges through downtown Duluth, Minnesota, lead footing it during rush hour. Or perhaps it was the after effects of the Calazone and red wine at Grandpa Tony's in Bay City, Michigan last night. For whatever reason, I displayed unusual decorum.

NOTABLE SITES MISSED as the Tour has pressed on:

#1. Margaret Laurence House in Neepawa, Manitoba; although we did meet a Christie Loganish kind of guy in the Dairy Queen there over the Incident with the Wasp.
      When The Kid swatted a wasp with a folded Sports Section of the local paper, an elderly man with alternate teeth missing and his left arm in a sling man shouted to the Kid from a nearby booth: "You got him! I saw him drop."
     The Kid bent down, picked up the wasp with the paper and replaced the paper on the shelf full of other newspapers. Christie got up and grabbed the newspaper. "You can't leave a dead wasp in a newspaper. It don't bother me but it might upset a lady, especially a pregnant lady. Some folks get really bothered by wasps, even dead ones, but not me. I can pick them up by the wing."
     As Christie picked up the paper the wasp, which was only stunned, crawled onto the shelf. Christie swatted the wasp dead, picked it up by its wing and deposited it in the garbage can. "Good thing I checked on it."
     The Kid rolled his eyes and said: "Yeah. Really good thing."

#2. Michael Moore's house in Flint. Michigan.
     This was probably another good thing, since the Kid is not a fan of Michael's and since the site of Michael Moore's birthplace and childhood home is probably derelict or demolished. And, although Michael is rumoured to be once again resident in Flint, if there is a new Michael Moore house, he would be living in it and therefore, it is unlikely that it would be open to the public.

Monday 3 October 2011

TOUR DAY 14, October 3

Tonight The Kid is staying with friends in Winnipeg while The Author and I are staying in the Best Western Pembina Inn & Suites on the Pembina Highway courtesy of Gilles Landry the owner and manager. Monsieur Landry will be hosting the Tour again when we return on October 14 through October 22 when Gerry will be the honourary captain of the Blue Bombers for their game against Montreal.

Finding ourselves alone for the first time in a while The Author and I decided to go for an early evening walk along some of the quieter streets near the south bank of the Red River. A father and son were playing catch with a football out in their front yard, and we stopped to chat.

THE AUTHOR:  We're here on a book tour with a football player, a former Blue Bomber by the name of Gerry James. He played for the Bombers in the 50's and 60's. Ever heard of him?

THE DAD; No, I haven't heard of him but Bud Grant used to live just across the street. Just three houses down.

ME (to the Author after we have resumed our walk): Wow! Now what are the chances of our ending up on the street where Bud Grant used to live?

Does anyone remember what they used to say about Bud Grant?
God is not dead. He is alive and well and coaching the Minnesota Vikings.

(ps Don't tell Gerry I wrote this.)

As we prepare to leave the prairies and head south through the US en route to Hamilton Ontario I find myself musing about our days in Saskatchewan and how they kept taking me back to the first ten years of my own life,when I was once a Kid, too.

Evocative Prairie Sights and Sounds:

     water towers
     wind mills
     back yard vegetable gardens
     barn yard smells
     crab apple trees
     the wail of train whistles
     onion domed churches
     talk of snow for Hallowe'en

Sunday 2 October 2011

HOME OPENER Melville Millionaires

The Tour's visit to Melville coincided with the Millionaires' home opener in their brand new arena--the Horizon Credit Union Centre. The day was a nail biter for the team's president, Dawn Melnychuk. Would the new building pass all the inspections necessary so that the game could go ahead?

The team finally received a "thumbs up" for the game at noon but the facility will not be complete for another month or so. The convention centre and parts of the arena are still under construction and aren't open to the public as yet.

One of the most popular features of the building promises to be the rubberized walking track which circles the rink and seating area. The rubberized walking track is part of the Cardiac Care Centre which will have a full-time nurse on duty. The Cardiac Care Centre is going to partner with the University of Regina to moniter the success of the Centre's programs.

The entire facility is very much a community project and the arena was packed for the game. The excitement was palpable. The Millionaires were introduced one by one and each player skated onto the rink between two giant "sparklers". The intros and light show were followed by fireworks at centre ice. As the smoke cleared the official ceremonies featured the president of the SJHL, Bill Chow; sporting legend Kid Dynamite, Gerry James; Mayor Walter Streelowsky and Millionaires President, Dawn Melnychuk.  The speeches were brief and shortly the announcer pronounced:  Welcome to your new home.  GAME ON!

From Saskatchewan the tour shifts to Hamilton, Ontario with a "Signing at the Hall" from 4 - 6pm at the Canadian Football Hall of Fame on October 7. The Tour will also be guests at the Hamilton Tiger Cat game in the evening thanks to Scott Mitchell, owner of the team.The next morning, on September 8, the Author and the Kid will attend a statisticians meeting, also at the Canadian Football Hall of Fame. This meeting will be open to the public so everyone is welcome. Later in the day there will be a book signing in the concourse before the Hamilton Bulldogs' game against Rochester.  The final event scheduled for Hamilton will be in the Hockey Hall of Fame on October 11 at 6pm where Gerry and Ron will talk to a meeting of the Society for International Hockey Research.  Once again this meeting will be open to the public.  Hope to see you in Ontario.

Kid Dynamite Sweeps Through Saskatchewan

Sunday, October 2  "And on the 13th Tour Day they rested."

Three events in three days--Saskatoon, Estevan & Melville. Thousands of kilometers have passed under the Toyota's snow tires as the mercury in Saskatchewan thermometers holds steady in the mid twenties.

HELPFUL TIP for TRAVELLERS #1:  When selecting your route to Estevan do NOT select Highway 47 south from Highway 1 to Stoughton. The last time The Kid drove the route it might have been newly paved  but today it is primarily thick gravel with deep ruts relieved in sections by broken ashphalt. The sound of the gravel and pavement bits thrown up by our snow tires made continual, disturbing bangs on the undercarriage of the Avalon during the 80 km trek (or there abouts). South of Stoughton the highway is smooth and the landscape becomes increasingly dotted with "grasshoppers" (small oil derricks) pumping industriously. There were few crops planted this year in the area because of the extensive spring flooding. It seems, however, to have been a good year for ducks who happily paddle the abundant sloughs and ponds.

The Tour arrived in Estevan, the Energy City, on time with our exhaust system intact. We were graciously hosted by the Bruins Hockey Club at Days Inn and given a tour of Estevan's impressive new arena, Spectra Place, so-called thanks to the corporate sponsorship of the Spectra Credit Union. (I think perhaps I have coined a contemporary koan. Can one describe a credit union as corporate?) Spectra Place is owned by the City of Estevan whose slogan "Our City, Our Region, Your Legacy" is proudly displayed on the walls of the main foyer leading to the arena which is home to the Bruins whose motto Rich Tradition. Strong Future. seems to sum up the prevalent mood in Estevan. All 24 corporate boxes are fully leased for 10 years and the waiting list for the select boxes keeps growing.

HELPFUL TIP FOR TRAVELLERS #2. If travelling to Estevan be sure to book your accommodation three months in advance, for there is likely to be no room at Days Inn.

Hockey score after 2 periods: Estevan Bruins 7 Notre Dame Hounds 1

The highlight of the night was the visit to the book table by The Ice Team, four sixteen year old beauties, who toss treats etc. to the fans from the ice.

RON:       "I'm the Author."
GERRY:   "I'm the Book."
MEMBER OF THE ICE TEAM:  "I'll bet you two were real lady killers, eh?"