Wednesday 21 September 2011

tour day one

The tour begins with a fair sky and a calm sea. The coastal mountain chain ridged against a cerullian sky. Easy aboard the Queen of Oak Bay, sailing as sedately as Queen Victoria in an open Landau.

Questions: Will the Smith's 11 year-old Toyota be up to the trek? Does the blog spot have spell check? Will it know how to spell sir rillian? And what kind of blue is sur rilian anyway? Bomber blue?

Same day later. Snippets of friendly banter between The Kid and the author.

The Author: Gerry you're going too fast. You're doing 120.

The Kid: No I'm not, I'm doing 117 to 118.

The Author: Gerry you're doing 130.

The Kid: But I want to get by that truck.

Much later same day. Sanctuary found in Rondo Motel in Golden courtesy of Bill Usher. A great place to stay, cheap cheap cheap and clean. No post tonight. Pen and paper rule. Instant hardcopy immediate backup, top that Bill Gates.

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