Thursday 29 September 2011

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

The Kid Dynamite Tour reached as far north as Saskatoon on TOUR DAY 9, September 28 where Gerry and Ron gave brief talks at the Book Signing at McNally Robinson's in the early evening. Ron explained why he had written the book, and Gerry talked about some of the more memorable moments in his career. After the talks Gerry fielded questions from the audience.

Q: What is the difference between hockey as the game is played today and the game as it was played in your era? Do you think that these changes have made the game better or worse?

A: The game today is both better and worse. If you can't skate, you can't play in today's game. The elimination of the centre line offside has really speeded the game up. So you have to be able to skate. But, as a consequence, there is no longer any place for the art of body checking. All you have today are collisions.

Q: Who were the most influential people in your career?

A: My mother, Tom Casey and Squib Walker, a scout for the Toronto Maple Leafs. One Christmas, just after I turned 15, Squib came up to me after a game, complimented me on my play and shook my hand. When I pulled my hand away, there was a twenty dollar bill in it. After that day I was a Maple Leaf for life.

For those of you who weren't able to make it to the event, McNally Robinson has signed copies of the book for sale. To date McNally Robinson is the ONLY bookstore in Saskatchewan who has the book, thanks to the efforts of Alicia Walker, Events Co-ordinator.

The trip to Saskatoon also gave Gerry the opportunity to renew the acquaintance of special people in his life: his assistant coach, Kal Parenteau, and his wife, Joyce; and one of his former players, Lenny Meuller, and his wife, Lisa.


Return to Yorkton, past the Melsted Marsh, white with gulls, teeming with ducks and geese, and a lone blue heron. (I knew I should have taken my binoculars.)  Past the Lakes International Bird Sanctuary and the Quill Lakes Interpretive Centre.

Snippets of Friendly Banter.

ME: Look who's going 120 now.

THE AUTHOR: Who? Me? That's because we're going downhill.

No. of Curbs Hit:  Gerry 1, Ron 1, Pat 0

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