Thursday 29 September 2011

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

The Kid Dynamite Tour reached as far north as Saskatoon on TOUR DAY 9, September 28 where Gerry and Ron gave brief talks at the Book Signing at McNally Robinson's in the early evening. Ron explained why he had written the book, and Gerry talked about some of the more memorable moments in his career. After the talks Gerry fielded questions from the audience.

Q: What is the difference between hockey as the game is played today and the game as it was played in your era? Do you think that these changes have made the game better or worse?

A: The game today is both better and worse. If you can't skate, you can't play in today's game. The elimination of the centre line offside has really speeded the game up. So you have to be able to skate. But, as a consequence, there is no longer any place for the art of body checking. All you have today are collisions.

Q: Who were the most influential people in your career?

A: My mother, Tom Casey and Squib Walker, a scout for the Toronto Maple Leafs. One Christmas, just after I turned 15, Squib came up to me after a game, complimented me on my play and shook my hand. When I pulled my hand away, there was a twenty dollar bill in it. After that day I was a Maple Leaf for life.

For those of you who weren't able to make it to the event, McNally Robinson has signed copies of the book for sale. To date McNally Robinson is the ONLY bookstore in Saskatchewan who has the book, thanks to the efforts of Alicia Walker, Events Co-ordinator.

The trip to Saskatoon also gave Gerry the opportunity to renew the acquaintance of special people in his life: his assistant coach, Kal Parenteau, and his wife, Joyce; and one of his former players, Lenny Meuller, and his wife, Lisa.


Return to Yorkton, past the Melsted Marsh, white with gulls, teeming with ducks and geese, and a lone blue heron. (I knew I should have taken my binoculars.)  Past the Lakes International Bird Sanctuary and the Quill Lakes Interpretive Centre.

Snippets of Friendly Banter.

ME: Look who's going 120 now.

THE AUTHOR: Who? Me? That's because we're going downhill.

No. of Curbs Hit:  Gerry 1, Ron 1, Pat 0

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Our TWO SPORT LEGEND makes the Front Page of the Leader-Post

In a full-page Profile in the Sports section of the Regina Leader-Post Rob Vanstone confesses that two sport Gerry was once two people in his own mind. He knew of the CFL great, Gerry James and in the seventies "I became familiar with a Gerry James who was coaching in the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League. I was aware of the fact that he had previously played in the National Hockey League with the Toronto Maple Leafs.
     But it was not until I watched a sportscast on Yorkton television station KVOS (in the 80's) that I learned that there was only one Gerry James. It was to marvel. One person did all that?"

     Rob's article is also featured in Saskatoon's Phoenix-Star. Gerry and Ron will be in Saskatoon at the McNally-Robinson bookstore tomorrow night at 7:30 for a book signing. Rob's article also has four photos of Gerry, one of which was taken in 1985 when Gerry was coach of the Estevan Bruins. After Saskatoon, the Tour's next port of call is Estevan, where Gerry and Ron will be signing books at the new arena before  the Bruin's game on Friday night.

MEANWHILE the Indian Summer continues. Blue skies. Hot sun. This is excellent news for the farmers in eastern Saskatchewan whose crops got planted late this year due to the unseasonally wet spring weather. The threshers and combines are working round the clock while people toil to get the crops in.  Temperatures are predicted to continue in the high 20's through the week-end. This is definitely NOT hockey (or even football) weather.

And I continue to wonder why I did NOT think to pack my shorts, T-shirts and sandals?

I DID remember to get the snow tires put on the car and Marg (Gerry's wife) thoughtfully gave us an extra big candle so that we could stay warm inside the car should the Tour go off the road in a blizzard into one of those ditches red hot rocker Reg warns of. (I also remembered to pack matches to light the candle and made sure we had a flashlight so we could find the matches to light the candle.) My sleeping bag and sheepskin coat would also come in handy in this sort of scenario, I thought.

LITTLE KNOWN FACT: The Author knows what it's like to skid into a ditch in an Ontario snow storm, although, being a young man at the time he was wearing his shorts and shades.

So, we have one more day to rest up in Yorkton before hitting the road again, en route to Saskatoon, Estevan and Melville (Saturday, October 1), with the Avalon's AIR CONDITIONING on HIGH.

Monday 26 September 2011

Yorkton Terriers 7 - Estevan Bruins 5

TOUR DAY 6, September 26

In Yorkton Gerry is very much at home amongst scores of family, friends and fans. Before and after dropping the puck at centre ice at the start of the game, and between periods, Gerry and Ron were non-stop busy signing books. As one book buyer remarked: You're down in history now, Gerry. Not too many guys could have did it. It was also announced that Gerry would be inducted into the SJHL Hall of Fame in November.

The next tour event is a book signing at McNally Robinson in Saskatoon on Wednesday, September 28 at 7:30 pm. Please join us if you are in the area.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Saskatchewan:Land of Living Skies


TOUR DAY 4, September 23.  The Tour kicks off with its first official event: a radio interview with Rod Pedersen (& Schultzie) hosting Gerry and Ron on CKRM sports radio from 6 to 6:30 pm on location at the rink just before the Regina Pats home opener.

After the interview:

The Author:  What do you want to do tonight?
Me:              I'd like to go to the game. After all I am a Pat.
The Author:  Hmmm. I guess that must make me a Patsy.

TOUR DAY 5: Bumper Crops and Buffalo Lookouts, September 24

Up early for the Fan Forum and book signing at the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame and Museum from 10am to noon. Forum superbly hosted by Darrell Davis. Rob Vanstone from the Leader-Post, Lindsay Dunn, sports reporter from CTV, and a photographer from the Leader-Post in attendance. All asked insightful questions and were generous and positive in their comments about the book. Darrell and Rob both remarked that Kid Dynamite takes a unique approach to writing about a sports figure. In particular they liked the interaction between Gerry and Ron.

Event superbly organized by Sheila Kelly, the Executive Director of the SSHF&M, and volunteers Barr and Lorrie. Thank you all for the support of the Tour. Unfortunately the event was undone somewhat by the glorious Saskatchewan weather. Never thought I would be praying for a little west coast weather on the high prairie. In spite of relatively low attendance, books sales were brisk.

Signed copies of the book are for sale at the Hall of Fame. (1/3 of the proceeds from all book sales there will be donated back to the SSHF&M). Plans hatched for a second book signing on our return journey at the end of October.

Today, another sun-filled day, we are in Yorkton and will be attending the Terriers game this evening. We're looking forward to meeting a lot of book-loving fans.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Tour Day Three, September 22

The drive from Swift Current to Regina is quintessential prairie. "Ride off any horizon and let the measure fall where it will may."

Arrive safely at the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame. Meet Sheila Kelly, the executive director, Barr and Laurie. Everyone excited to meet Gerry and to finalize the arrangements for Saturday morning's Fan Forum & Book Signing.

Later, en route to our hotel

Snippets of friendly banter:
The Author:  You're sure you know where you're going?
The Kid:       I'm sure.
The Author:  Why are you sure?
The Kid:       Because I've been this way before.
The Author:  Then why are we in the parking lot of the White City Community Centre with no way out?

Day two, Wednesday, September 21

Breakfast with Bill Usher of AGOG (Art Gallery of Golden) in the Big Bend Cafe.
Bill: Your tour sounds like some young rock band's fantasy. Just remember, as red hot rocker Reg used to
       say, there are two miles of ditch for every one mile of road.
Bill and Gerry swap hockey stories. Fond memories of playiing hockey in Toronto and the Marlies evoked. Bill very pleased to get his copy of Kid Dynamite.

Leaving Golden the Rockies are splendid, glaciers glistening in the Indian Summer sun.

The Author: Here's today's quiz. What is the name of the Honourable Member from Kicking Horse Pass?
Me:             I can't remember but when he was a Mountie the name of his loyal dog was Cuddles.

Still later, more snippets of friendly banter:
The Author:  Slow down. You're in second gear. What's that noise?
Me:              The emergency brake is on!
The Author:  Slow down. You're doing 140!
The Kid:       But I haven't even got my foot on the gas.

The answer to Today's Quiz is Dave Broadfoot. But does anyone remember the name of his Mountie?

Wednesday 21 September 2011

tour day one

The tour begins with a fair sky and a calm sea. The coastal mountain chain ridged against a cerullian sky. Easy aboard the Queen of Oak Bay, sailing as sedately as Queen Victoria in an open Landau.

Questions: Will the Smith's 11 year-old Toyota be up to the trek? Does the blog spot have spell check? Will it know how to spell sir rillian? And what kind of blue is sur rilian anyway? Bomber blue?

Same day later. Snippets of friendly banter between The Kid and the author.

The Author: Gerry you're going too fast. You're doing 120.

The Kid: No I'm not, I'm doing 117 to 118.

The Author: Gerry you're doing 130.

The Kid: But I want to get by that truck.

Much later same day. Sanctuary found in Rondo Motel in Golden courtesy of Bill Usher. A great place to stay, cheap cheap cheap and clean. No post tonight. Pen and paper rule. Instant hardcopy immediate backup, top that Bill Gates.

Monday 19 September 2011

Tour Itinerary WRIT LARGE

Did I mention that this is the first time I have ever blogged? Well, my coverage of the Kid Dynamite Tour will be a learning experience from start to finish. Can anyone read post #2? Fantastic! However, for those of you, who, like me can't read the fine print I thought it best to repeat the salient information:


September 23, 5 - 7pm Radio Interview on CKRM with Rod Pedersen in Regina.
September 24, 10am till noon, Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame, Regina
September 25 at 6pm, Yorkton Terriers Game, Yorkton
September 28 at 7:30pm McNally Robinson, Saskatoon
October 1 at 7pm, Melville Millionaires, Melville
October 7 Canadian Football Hall of Fame & Museum, 4 to 6
October 7 Game - Hamilton vs Winnipeg, Hamilton Ontario
October 8 morning, Canadian Football Hall of Fame and Museum, meeting with statisticians, Hamilton
October 8  7pm  Hamilton Bulldogs game
October 14, Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame, Winnipeg
October 18, 7pm book signing and talk at McNally Robinson, Winnipeg
October 21 evening, Winnipeg Blue Bombers, Winnipeg
October 22, 2pm, Winnipeg game vs Montreal, Winnipeg

This is the broad outline of the tour so far. Stay tuned though. Gerry Kid Dynamite James and author Ron Smith are game and good to go for more events as the tour gains traction.

More Book Info

Hi Tour Folks,

For more info on the book you might want to click on the following link:

Thanks for the suggestion, Iain.

Tour Itinerary

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Books Arrive!

Kid Dynamite, The Gerry James Story, a biography written by Ron Smith (384 pages, in hardcover, retailing for $30) is about to achieve lift-off. There will be a launch at the author's home this Sunday, September 18 between 1-3pm. Gerry, the subject of the book, and Ron, the author, will both be available to sign books. Coffee and cookies will be served.

Stay tuned.