Sunday 25 November 2012

TSN's Brian Williams interviews the Kid and the Author.

To see the special click on this link:

Monday 8 October 2012


Yes, it's true. When the autumnal equinox passes, when the leaves start turning gold and orange and red, when the Indian Summer Sun shines hot, The Kid Dynamite Team gets the Silver Toyota  serviced and anti-freezed. They have its winter tires installed, inflated, rotated, and balanced. Then they steer their shining silver chariot onto Route 1, ye olde Trans-Canada Highway, and they head East.

Yes, the Kid and the Author are primed and ready to head out for another Book Tour event. This time they are appearing at a Seniors' Getaway at the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge, from October 15 to October 18 where they will be on hand to sign books, talk about football, hockey, writing or any other topic that strikes their audience's fancy. If you are in the neighbourhood, drop in. Better yet, sign up and come to the Getaway and meet Gerry and Ron in the flesh (although, rest assured, they will be fully dressed.)

Friday 28 October 2011


In spite of, or because of, Red Hot Rocker Reg's warning about the 2 miles of ditch for every 1 mile of road, our trusty Avalon made it all the way home, intact, bearing The Author, me and ten cartons of books. The Kid flew home from Winnipeg with Marg the morning after the Bombers' game.

For those of you who might still be wondering about The Author's Condition following his collision with a sidewalk in downtown Hamilton, I am pleased to report that the swelling in his right leg is greatly diminished as are his technicolor bruises. Meanwhile, his general mobility is gradually returning to normal.

REGRETS?  I suppose that we have only a few: missing our venue at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto; not getting to see Niagara Falls (because of that other sort of fall referred to above) and not getting to visit with Janice and Joe Horwood in Scarborough. Perhaps we will get to make amends when the Tour hits Toronto?

So, it looks like the Kid Dynamite Tour (Part 1) is now history. While the Tour is over, we trust that the book will live long and prosper. For those of you who would like to stay apprised of continuing news on this front you could send an email to  and I will keep you posted.

In any event,  you might want to watch for the launch of a couple of new web sites which will be up and running by Christmas (Santa and his elves being willing):   and

Heigh Ho Silver Toyota, Away!


Our book tour lasted 33 days. We began our trip on September 20, leaving from Nanoose Bay on Vancouver Island and driving as far as Hamilton, Ontario and back again for the official culmination of the Tour on Saturday, October 22 when Gerry was the Honourary Captain of the Blue Bombers in Winnipeg on his 77th birthday. On the journey we were invariably met by friendly, helpful people. (Please forgive us in advance for any errors or omissions.) We would especially like to thank:

Sheila Kelly and volunteers Lorrie and Barr, at the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame
Mark De Nobile, Rob Morralle and Meghan Sturgeon Archer at the Canadian Football Hall of Fame
Brian Brownlee at the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame

the Yorkton Terriers, in particular Trent Cassan and the club executive.
the Melville Millionaires, especially Dawn Melnychuk
the Estevan Bruins, with much thanks to Jeff and Brad Pierson
the Hamilton Bulldogs, especially Brian Lewis
the Hamilton Ti-Cats, with gratitude to Jim Edmands and Scott Mitchell
the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, especially Jeffry Bannon

In addition we would like to thank the following Reviewers, Journalists and Broadcasters for embracing Kid Dynamite:

Rob Vanstone, Leader-Post and Star-Phoenix
Darrell Davis, free lancer
Randy Atkinson, GX 94 radio in Yorkton
Rod Pederson and Schultzie, Regina sports radio
David Wilberg, Estevan Lifestyles
Rob Carnie, CHAB radio in Moose Jaw
Steve Milton, The Hamilton Spectator
Jim Bender, The Winnipeg Sun and the Toronto Sun
Bob Irving, Winnipeg sports radio
Gordon Sinclair Jr., Winnipeg Free Press
Cleve Dheenshaw, Victoria Times-Colonist
TSN Radio and TV

Alicia Walker and John Toews at McNally Robinson Bookstores in Saskatoon and Winnipeg and Larry & Lynda Robertson in Hamilton for all manner of assistance. Linus Westberg provided us with all sorts of names and promotional ideas.

For much needed food, lodging & general moral support along the trek, we thank:

Tom Arling, Best Western, Swift Current; Gilles Landry, Best Western Pembina and Mainstay Suites, Winnipeg; and Jeff Pierson, Days Inn, Estevan

Bill Usher, K.C. & Marnie James, Debbie Robichaud, Faye Redfearne, Lenny & Lisa Meuller, Joyce & Kal Parenteau, Ambrose & Mavis Reschny, Judy Danbert, Marilyn & Lorne Christianson, Garry Bolton and Tara Barrett.

And, last but not least, we would like to thank oolichan books. All of the people and many others, especially those who have been so generous with their comments about the book, have made the story of Kid Dynamite a best-selling success. Yes, once again this week the Kid registered on the best seller lists. Now we hope to see the Kid triumph in Toronto and in Maple Leaf blue. Thanks everyone for following the blog.

Saturday 22 October 2011


It was a happening place this afternoon here in Winnipeg, in Blue Bomber Land. Gerry James, former Blue Bomber great, was the honourary Captain for the Bombers, and along with Jim Rondeau, the Minister Responsible for Healthy Living, oversaw the coin toss at centre field before the game. The Bombers won the toss and elected to have the wind with them in the 2nd and 4th periods, a decision which ultimately proved fortuitous. It was also Breast Cancer Day in the CFL and most of the players were decked out with pink shoe laces or pink foot wrappings. And, to add to the mayhem in the sold-out stadium, Justin Beeber and entourage decided to show up and put in a last minute demand for a box, all of which added a little extra chaos for those folks entrusted with security.

Those of you watching in TV land probably missed the announcement that it was Gerry's birthday today. Yes, that's right. The Kid is 77 today. Happy Birthday, Gerry.

Thanks to the generosity of the Blue Bombers the Tour members (now four of us given the addition of Marg James who flew into town for the celebrations via plane and NOT broomstick) were all handsomely decked out in official Blue Bomber jerseys. Those of you who continued to watch the game after the coin toss would have noticed Gerry in his jersey during his sideline TSN interview early in the third quarter.

The score at the end of the 3rd quarter looked bleak for the Bombers. It was 25 - 10 for the Alouettes, but the home team capitalized on their field position and the favourable wind in the fourth quarter to eek out a 26 -25 Victory in the last minutes of the game.

The rain, forecast to commence at game time, held off till the last few seconds and we are now in the midst of a spectacular prairie storm. Peachy pink sky. Wind, Thunder, Lightning. Looks like The Kid DynamiteTour is going out with a bang.

Thanks for coming along for the ride.

ps, you might want to tune in for a few final vignettes and tour summary which I hope to post on our return home.

Friday 21 October 2011


According to the Saskatchewan Phoenix-Star published on October 8, Kid Dynamite, The Gerry James Story is #2 on the list of Top Ten selling books. In Winnipeg the book is #3 on the Non-Fiction List.  So, the news is getting out. We've got ourselves a winner! Today The Kid and The Author will be signing books at the Blue Bomber store from 5 - 7 along with Ken Ploen, the quarterback of the Bombers during their glory years. Keep your fingers crossed for a big turn out.


Here's the link to the latest review in the Winnipeg Sun:

and Republished in the Toronto Sun:

and while we are at it, his Canadian Football Hall of Fame Page:
Gerry with the Book 
(Photo: Jim Bender/Winnipeg Sun)